Woking Dance Space - Back to the Studio – important info for users!
August 23, 2020
We have has reviewed the Government guidelines on procedures and protocols needed in order to return to live studio classes. The main points that you need to know are below, the full policy is available on request!
Please remember that Government advice is fluid, and the below may need to change at very little, or no notice.
All users of the studio attend at their own risk and we ask that anyone showing symptoms or feeling unwell does not attend.
Booking and paying for classes
We are limiting all classes to 13 dancers. To try and equalize access, and collect details necessary for track-and-trace, all classes must be booked and paid for online, in advance, using the WDS on-line store.
Drop in & pay on the day is not available. If you have not booked, you will not be able to take the class, even if there appears to be space. This is to allow our teachers to concentrate on teaching class, and not worrying about taking track-and-trace details or handling payments.
All classes will be available to book for 7 days, up to midnight before the day of the class. e.g. Monday classes will be available to book Monday - Sunday, Tuesday classes can be booked Tuesday - Monday and so on.
Refunds will only be given if the booking is cancelled with at least 24hrs notice, when the attendee has to self isolate, or is unwell. E.g. class booked for Monday Lyrical Jazz at 7:30pm, you have up to 7:30pm on the Sunday to cancel to get a refund.
There will be no concessions for classes, all classes will cost £5.
At the Mayford Centre
Please minimise personal belongings brought with you to the studio. There will be no access to the changing area or the kitchen, this is to reduce the number of potential contact points which can transmit the virus.
The Mayford Centre's toilet facilities are available, however, we have no control or responsibility for their cleaning, so advise only using them if absolutely necessary.
Entering the studio
We must use separate routes for entering and exiting the studio.
Entrance to the studio will be via the spiral Fire Escape.
Please arrive in good time for your class. Just before the class start time, please gather, in a socially distant manner, at the bottom of the fire escape stairs, located on the ‘other’ side of the building to the normal blue door. Do not ascend the stairs until invited to do so by the teacher, and once invited up, do so carefully and spaced out.
At the top of the stairs/studio door, remove your outdoor shoes on the mat provided, clean your hands (either using your own de-sanitiser or the one provided). As usual, no outdoor shoes worn in the studio itself please – to protect the floor.
In class
Please do not use the cubbies for your possessions as this creates a pinch point and extra area to clean. Place your belongings around the studio, against the wall or mirrors, and take your position at the barre or in the studio nearest to your belongings.
We have marked out 2m 'grid' on the floor of the studio to assist with social distancing. Please be aware of spacing while dancing and moving around the studio. Just because you feel comfortable being closer to people doesn't mean everyone else in the studio shares that belief.
There will be no access to the kitchen area including the sink or cupboards, so please bring your own water bottle and check it is full in advance.
Exiting the studio
Classes will be 5 minutes shorter to allow cleaning to take place between classes. The teachers will be wiping down the barres (if used) and common contact points like door handles. Please leave promptly to allow for the cleaning and to allow the next class to enter safely.
At the end of class, gather your belongings and move to the kitchen area. Put on outdoor shoes in the kitchen area and leave via the usual route through the Mayford Centre to the car park. When in the Mayford Centre, please observe the signs and instructions.
Any property left behind at the end of a session will need to be disposed of immediately.
Track and trace
If a confirmed case is reported, WDS will use the information collected during the booking process to contact people in that class, including the teacher, and follow the Track and Trace procedure including advising the Government guidelines to follow. This may include getting tested, and isolating for the required amount of time.
If you become unwell and test positive for Covid-19, please let the Studio Manager (info@wokingdancespace.org.uk) or a Trustee know as soon as possible.