Woking Dance Space

Dance and exercise classes for adults, no matter what their age or previous experience

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Gotta Dance !

November 6, 2018

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our 2019 studio show GOTTA DANCE!

Gotta Dance

The show is open to everyone attending classes at the studio, so if you want to get involved come along to class from January and learn the choreography.

There are also many opportunities that do not involve going on stage. Please let us know if you could help out with front of house, costumes, stage management etc.

We would love everyone to start thinking about getting involved so here are the important dates for your diaries:

Sunday run-throughs at the WDS Studio

Please keep these days free.

Technical and Dress rehearsals at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre

Ready to start at 6:30pm.


Warm-up on stage at 6:30pm.

Show tickets will be on sale from the WDS online show from 2nd March.

More details to come in future posts...

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